When You Call Capps & Associates, PC Attorneys At Law Our Goal Is To Provide You With A Quick Uncontested Divorce For A Reasonable Price with No Court Appearance Required
Step 1: Give Us A Call: 334-678-7994 For No Obligation Consultation.
Step 2: Complete Intake Forms Available By Email.
Step 3: Pay Fee For Your Uncontested Divorce.
Step 4: Receive Your Attorney Drafted Divorce Documents Ready For Your Approval and Signature.
Step 5: You and Spouse Sign, Notarize and Return Documents With Filing & Processing Fee.
Step 6: We Electronically File Your Completed Divorce Documents With The Court.
Step 7: After a 30 Day Waiting Period You Will Receive Your Divorce Decree.
Presto! You Are Divorced.
It's really that simple.
The other “Do It Yourself” Divorce Forms require you to file the documents yourself and then wait on the Court to schedule your Divorce for a hearing. That hearing may be many months away, depending on the Court calendar. We cut through the red tape and electronically file your Divorce Documents directly with the Court saving you time and money.
Don't Spend Your Day Sitting In Court Only To Have The Judge Tell You The Documents You Purchased From A “Do it Yourself” Divorce Form Company Are Not Approved.
Save Time and Money Let Capps & Associates, P.C. Handle Your Case From The Start.